Saturday, August 13, 2011

Welcome to Sport-Ups!

As you might expect from someone who just started a blog, I sort of like words. I'm a fan of them, you could even say. Like anything else, I even have my favourites. Here's two of them: sports and innovation.

Nothing too shocking. I mean, sports - how could you not like them? (Oh, I also like hyphens, as you may learn if you read this blog frequently.) Sports are pretty great. For the most part, they're completely insignificant. 20-or-so random men from around the world get grouped together to represent certain cities or states against groups representing others. They play, we cheer, we cry, we study, we obsess, we rant, we applaud, and we dream. Many psychologists and sociologists could carve out careers trying to figure out what it is about sports that put them at the centre of our hearts and minds. But there they are, in one form or another, keeping us distracted from the other perils of life for hours a day. How could anyone not like that?

And how would any of that be without innovation? If someone hadn't decided to throw a ball in a hoop, or invented the radio or the TV...  it's sort of scary even to think about.

Of course, innovation has given us a lot more than better ways to enjoy sports. We've seen medical breakthroughs, scientific discoveries, easier access to seeing the world, and simpler ways to live our every day lives.

The word "innovation" strikes me so much that I even decided to pursue an education in it. After finishing my Bachelors of Business Administration, I completed a Masters of Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology program from the University of Waterloo - easily one of Canada's most innovative institutions. The program offered me a chance to gain some expertise in the way these innovations come to life.Whether it's established companies remaining on the cutting edge or start-up ventures seeking there chance to change the world, there are few things I find more captivating than the entrepreneurial spirit.

Sport-Ups is the intersection of these worlds.

I plan to discuss a bunch of things in this space, from new product launches by the major sports players to new ventures from those hoping to wind up competing with them. Once in a while, I may even use this blog to rant about something else that's stuck on my mind in the sports or business world.

I also hope to get to know others with the same passions that I have and those hoping to become a part of this world. The easiest way to get in touch is probably through Twitter, and you can find me through the side bar on the right.

For now though, I'm going to pull-up Rogers on Demand Online for a live HD stream of today's Toronto Blue Jays game. Thank you, innovation!

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